Our Clients
We have the opportunity to work with 16 agricultural groups and commissions, representing 9 commodity segments: Alfalfa and Hay, Vegetables, Mint, Turfgrass Seed, Oilseeds, Alfalfa Seed, Grapes, Tree Fruit, Salmon
Far West Spearmint Administrative Committee: The Administrative Committee oversees the proper execution and administration of the Far West Spearmint Marketing Order. Our shared vision is to maintain orderly marketing conditions for U.S. spearmint oil which will result in our continued supremacy in the world market. All of our efforts are to constantly seek to establish and enhance partnerships with handlers, users, and spearmint and peppermint producers in all areas of the U.S.
International Fruit Tree Association: IFTA is the leading global community of tree fruit professionals. IFTA is committed to providing its members with world-class research, teaching and travel to advance knowledge and inspire innovation in the fruit tree industry. IFTA fulfills this commitment by providing Foreign and Domestic Study Tours, Annual Conferences and communicating with it's members the latest on research being done within the industry.
Washington State Hay Growers Association: The purpose of the association is to promote the welfare of the hay industry in the state of Washington. WSHGA is composed of five chapters throughout the state of Washington and takes pride in being a grower/member focused organization. WSHGA hosts the Northwest Hay Expo annually in Kennewick, WA.
Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association: The PNVA represents vegetable growers from Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. To the Association, the smallest specialty crop grower is as important as the largest corporate farm with thousands of acres. Each fulfills a specific need in the market place. The PNVA is dedicated to education research, production, promotion and representation relative to the Northwest vegetable industry and its markets.
Western Alfalfa Seed Growers Association: WASGA is a grower/member organization consisting of the western state chapters of alfalfa seed growers. The objectives of WASGA are to 1: Protect, stimulate, and aid in projects of interest to and for the benefit of alfalfa seed growers and 2: Provide for the correlation and dissemination of useful and helpful information to alfalfa seed grower's associations and alfalfa seed growers in general.
Washington Mint Growers Association: Washington Mint Growers is a grower and industry member organization that was established to promote social and business relations, to promote the progress and development of the mint industry in the interests of sound agriculture, and to work to create a business climate in which the mint industry can profitably operate in the State of Washington. Through our work with WMGA we work as the administrators to help promote and protect the industry for all mint varieties including: peppermint and spearmint.
The WMC exists to enable producers of mint plants to help themselves develop improved production methods and/or programs for the control of disease, insects, and weeds associated with mint plant culture to provide for the dissemination of information to affected producers. The WMC is funded through assessments paid by Washington Mint Growers. AAM provides the WMC with administrative services.
Washington Mint Commission: Washington Alfalfa Seed Commission: The Washington Alfalfa Seed Commission board is charged with the purposes of: (1) maintaining existing markets and creating new or larger local, domestic and foreign markets; (2) increasing production efficiency; (3) ensuring a fair regulatory environment; and (3) increasing per capita consumption of alfalfa seed grown in Washington State. At AAM we work as administrators by collecting dues, organizing educational outreach opportunities, and managing all interests of the Commission.
Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Association: The Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Association is a non-profit grower membership association dedicated to the successful advancement of direct seed and no-till cropping systems in the Pacific Northwest. PNDSA strives to bring cutting edge speakers and cropping systems information to the membership each year. The Association actively advocates for members and tells the amazing story of the stewardship being done on farms across the PNW.
Washington Turfgrass Seed Commission: The Washington Turfgrass Seed Commission was established for the purposes of funding research in the production, processing, or distribution of turfgrass seed, collecting and disseminating information on turfgrass seed and turfgrass seed byproducts, including straw utilization projects. In accordance with the marketing order, the WTSC collects assessments from growers to pursue its purposes. AAM serves the WTSC as administrators of the Commission.
Washington Oilseeds Commission: The WOC's main function is to promote the general welfare of the state by: (1) supporting researching; (2) marketing and information activities related to canola, rapeseed and mustard produced in Washington State. The commission is funded by an assessment on Washington grown oilseeds including canola, rapeseed, or mustard. These oilseeds are then used for the production of oil, meal, planting seed, condiments, or other industrial or chemical uses. AAM works as administrators for the Washington Oilseeds Commission.
Washington State Grape Society: The mission of the Washington State Grape Society is to promote overall advancement of the grape industry in Washington State. Its duties include collecting and distributing valuable data and information to our members and stimulating the grape interest in the state. WSGS also serves our members by protecting their legislative interests. Members are growers and industry personnel who have an interest in and lend their assistance to promoting the organization's purpose. AAM fills the role of Executive Secretary for WSGS.
Columbia Basin Onion Research Committee: CBORC exists in order to fund, direct and coordinate research related to the enhancement, and productivity of onions grown in Washington and Oregon (excluding Malheur County and other counties or onion crop growers that are currently assessed for onion research funding under another program).
Walla Walla Sweet Onion Marketing Order: The order seeks to strengthen consumer demand through promotions, marketing, and research and development. These activities are financed by assessments levied on Walla Walla Sweet Onion shippers. This marketing order does not regulate production of Walla Walla Sweet Onions, and places no restriction on quality or quantity.
Puget Sound Salmon Commission |
Puget Sound Salmon Commission
Puget Sound Harvesters Association |
Puget Sound Harvesters Association